Attention Bike and Car Clubs:


We at World Burger would like to extend a warm invitation to you and your bike and car club members to visit our burger joint and relish some delectable burgers and other mouthwatering treats. We understand that many of you have a deep passion for bikes and cars and enjoy congregating to socialize with fellow enthusiasts, and we believe our restaurant provides the ideal setting for such gatherings!

To make the offer even more enticing, we’d like to present a special promotion to the Club organizer. If you bring your club members to World Burger, and if your group consists of at least ten people, the organizer will be treated to a complimentary meal on the house!

Our commitment is to deliver top-notch food and service, and we aspire to become a regular meeting place for local Bike and Car Clubs. So, roll on over, savor a delicious meal, and showcase your bikes and cars in our parking area. Simply complete the form below, and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

We’re eagerly anticipating your visit!

Thank you YOur Submission has been recived

WE Will be in touch soon

You should receive an email very soon from us if you couls please respond back with the information required we can get your event underway asap 

Thank you YOur Submission has been reciEved

WE Will be in touch soon

You should receive an email very soon from us if you could please respond back with the information required we can get your certificates underway ASAP